Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sun-Moon Lake on Sun-Mood Day

I had a blast this weekend going to Sun Moon lake with my local Taiwanese friends Jack (Sparrow), Constantine, and Kristen. It was also the same day as a solar eclipse but unfortunately it was too cloudy to see. (When I say cloudy I mean almost impossible to see much of anything anywhere) Sun Moon lake hands down is has been the most beautiful place I've been in Taiwan so far and I really look forward to go back on a day when it's not so cloudy.

We found cheap tickets for a boat curse around the lake for $200 NTD. At the first port there was a small temple a top a hill over looking the lake in all its splendor. Spiders as big as my hand were every where.( I really hate spiders.) I did some research and found out that my creepy little friends were the Golden Orb spider. This spider gets its name from spinning a slightly golden thread into  massive webs that easily stretch from tree to tree. They get big enough that they can eat small rodents, birds, and snakes. Another interesting thing that I came across at the first port were revolutionaries from China. They were out protesting the government and asking for freedom and donations. It made sense, going to a place where they could speak freely with out diapering and get the word out to those from China that are rich enough to make a difference.  It made me feel grateful that I live somewhere (as flawed as it might be) that we still have the basic freedom of speech.

All in all it was a beautiful time.



P.S. I really hate spiders!

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