Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Lonley Lion

Do you ever wish that some one would just call you up out of the random and ask you how you are doing?

Do you ever wish that some one would call you up to invite you to go do something with them?

Do you ever sit at home and wonder what amazing things someone else is doing with their life and why you are just sitting there doing nothing?

I find that personally I think these things every now and then and sometimes I can get trapped in the idea that no one cares who I am any more. Then I think to myself (after I'm done with my perfunctory pity-party): " You know, I bet that someone else feels the same way."

So I get over myself and do for someone else what I was hoping someone would do for me.  I've come to realize as time has come and gone that whenever I'm hoping for someone to reach out to me and remember that I exist there is always someone else that is hoping the exact same thing. The nice thing that I've come to notice is how ever I feel is usually how others feel too. So I can simply apply, rinse and repeat. If I'm hungry someone else is too. If I'm cold someone else is too. If I'm in need of a friend someone else is too.

Just like Jack Johnson says in his song The Sharing Song "It's always more fun to share with everyone." So go out of your way to share but don't just share your extra cookie but share your time, friendship and love.

The Life of  Fire

Writing in the Fire

Can You See Me?

1 comment:

  1. I agreed with you Taylor, it is so easy to get caught up in our own mental state and believe we are the only ones. Caring about others sharing your love is a great way to get out of your own head and into this beautiful life! Great insight! love you~S
